
From the recording TIME WAS


TIME WAS (words by Edwin Arlington Robinson, adapted by Louis Rosen)

Time was when his cool million earned the rate of six percent; — / But soon the worm of what-was-not bred his discontent / And something crumbled in his brain when his cool million went.

Time passed / The broken voice, the withered neck, — / The coat worn out with care, — / The cleanliness of indigence, — / The brilliance of despair, — / His fond imponderable dreams / Of wealth—all were there.

Time was, time was / Hmm… / Time was, time was / Hmm…

He comes, asks us for a loan / We give and then forget; — / He comes, and probably for years will he be coming yet— / Familiar as an old mistake, — / And futile as regret.

Time was, time was / Hmm… / Time was, time was / Hmm…

© 2012 Louis Rosen, Lullwater Music, ASCAP. All Rights Reserved.